Ask Our Experts: 7 Things Underwriters Wish More People Would Insure - NYCM Insurance Blog

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Jun 28, 2024

Ask Our Experts: 7 Things Underwriters Wish More People Would Insure


June 28th marks National Insurance Awareness Day, a day meant to pause and evaluate your home and auto insurance policies! Inspired by the day, we’ve asked professionals from our Underwriting Team what items they wish more people would consider insuring. The results may surprise you - and get you thinking about valuables you didn’t know you could insure! Continue reading to learn more about how you can maximize insurance coverage for the things that matter most.


Including items like your wedding band or a family heirloom in your insurance policy can provide peace of mind. According to experts, there are a few different ways that you can ensure that items like jewelry are protected. One of these ways is to carry an All-Risk Policy as part of your coverage. With this, any items that are not specifically excluded from the policy are covered but are subject to policy limits and deductibles. Another option is to make sure the item is specifically scheduled in your homeowner’s policy. For many, this is the preferred method because full replacement value may be provided, and you can even choose a non-deductible option when building your policy. 



While pet insurance is built to protect your animals, there are other ways to protect your wallet should there be a claim involving animals, unrelated to their health. Experts from our Underwriting Team recommends notifying your agent when you add animals, big or small, to your family. Maybe you’ve gotten your daughter the pony she’s been begging for, you’ve purchased a herd of cattle, or you decided to add a pair of pet goats to your family. As much as animals can bring joy to our lives, they also can be unpredictable. An animal could get loose on your property and run into the road causing an accident, or could injure someone visiting you, causing financial loss. Having your animals included in your insurance policy is something experts highly recommend to protect your assets. 

Newly Licensed Drivers - With or Without a Car of their Own

When your teenager gets their driver license, adding them to your car insurance might not be the first concern on your mind, but it is an important one. Our professionals suggest adding them as a primary or occasional driver to your policy as soon as possible, whether they have a vehicle of their own or not. The reasoning behind this is that by adding your children to your policy, you are allowing them to gain credibility as a rated driver, which will help them obtain a better insurance rate once they have their own auto insurance. Experts also suggest letting your insurance agent know when your child is away at college, either with or without a vehicle, if they qualify for a good student discount, or have completed any accident prevention/defensive driving courses [EM1] [AL2] because these instances might affect your premium. 



Riding a snowmobile is a very popular winter pastime in some areas of New York State. Most people know that NYS Law requires all snowmobiles to be registered and insured to hit the trail. What many don’t know is that through NYCM Insurance, snowmobiles can be covered under the insured party’s homeowner policy. NYCM offers coverage both for liability and physical damage to the machine. 

Automobile Customizations 

Whether you’ve added a plow to your pickup truck, modified your van to be
wheelchair accessible, or wrapped your vehicle to enhance its appearance, automobile customizations can be costly and are worth insuring. Professionals advise that without adding additional coverage to your NYCM Auto Insurance Policy, customizations are subject to a $1,500 limit. To ensure you are fully covered, they suggest talking to your agent about the changes you’ve made to your vehicle to see if you are eligible for additional endorsements in your policy.  

New York State Businesses

Insuring your
business should be a top priority no matter the size. At NYCM Insurance, we insure various business types including restaurants, nail and hair salons, ice cream shops, retail and grocery stores, apartment buildings, and so much more. Our professionals encourage you to consider working with our team to protect what matters most. From your home and automobile to your business, we’ve got you covered.  

All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)

All-terrain vehicles are common amongst New York State residents who enjoy using them recreationally or otherwise. When we asked our underwriting department why they chose to feature ATVs they explained that individuals believe that insurance coverage is not needed as their ATV is used solely on their property. However, experts cautioned that you do need to insure your ATVs for two reasons. The first is that ATVs are excluded on homeowner policies, meaning that in the event of a loss or someone getting injured, there is no coverage for any expenses or damages. The second is that while we don’t insure ATVs through NYCM, they are required to be insured when you have an umbrella policy, which is an excess liability policy that extends your auto and home policies. When you are working with your agent to build your umbrella policy, they will require you to prove any ATVs on your property are insured. 

At NYCM Insurance, we are dedicated to providing genuine care to our customers while we help them protect what matters most. Click the button below to find an agent and receive a free quote today.