How to Prepare for a Power Outage - NYCM Insurance Blog

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Feb 6, 2019

How to Prepare for a Power Outage

Use These Tips to Keep You and Your Family Safe During a Power Outage


During the winter months, most of us enjoy being curled up inside where it’s warm and cozy. But what happens when there is a power outage?  


With falling snow and dropping temperatures, there is an increased possibility of power outages. Extreme weather can strain power system equipment, high winds can knock tree branches onto above-ground lines, and tree roots can provide a pathway for ice to accumulate and hinder lines underground.


Aside from being an inconvenience, a loss of electricity can pose numerous safety hazards if not handled properly. Check out the list below to learn how you can prepare your home for a power outage before it happens:


1. Keep a supply of nonperishable foods and water on-hand

During an outage you will have limited access to your refrigerator and water purification systems may not be functioning.


2. Stock up on flashlights and extra batteries

Ideally you will have enough for each member of your family.


3. Install carbon monoxide detectors...

with battery backups on every floor of your home.


4. Consider purchasing a generator...

to have on hand during outages and learn how to operate it safely.


5. Put together an emergency kit...

containing items such as band-aids, medications, a multipurpose tool, portable cell phone chargers, and copies of important documents.


6. Prepare and review your home evacuation plan with your family

Be sure that everyone understands the plan. You may opt to assign “evacuation buddies” to smaller children if you have a large group. This organization tactic will ensure everyone gets out quickly and safely if the situation calls for it.


7. Sign up for local safety alerts and monitor local weather reports

If there is inclement weather, be sure to stay indoors as much as possible. This will keep you and your family safe from the weather as well as keep heat inside your home.


Now that you know how to prepare ahead of time for a power outage, be sure to share this article with friends and family, so they too can be protected.  In considering if your home is prepared for a power outage, you may want to make sure your home and valuables are documented properly for your insurance policy. Click the button below to download our Home Inventory Checklist and be sure your valuables are properly documented in the event of a loss.