How To Create the Perfect New Year's Resolution - NYCM Insurance Blog

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Dec 29, 2021

How To Create the Perfect New Year's Resolution

With the year coming to a close, many of us are starting to think about our New Year’s resolutions and what we want next year to look like. New Year’s resolutions can come with their own set of anxieties. Maybe you’ve given up on your goals in the past or even flat out failed. Addressing those feelings can be scary! If you’re looking for some guidance on how to make an achievable goal and stick to it - we’ve got you covered.

Step 1: Reflect

Before deciding what, your New Year’s resolution will be, take some time to reflect on the past year. Start thinking about your big picture. What is something that always bothers you, or something you wanted to get better at? Is there anything you have been putting off? Think about what could make a substantial change in the next year of your life.

Step 2: Know Your “Why”

Once you set your goal, start developing your “why”.  This will be the backbone of your goal and without it, you will have trouble staying the course. Your why is what will push you through the hardest moments.  If your goal is to hit a certain financial milestone, for example reaching a specific amount of money in your savings account, maybe your why is that you want to buy a house. The deeper you go into your why, the stronger you will feel about accomplishing your goal. Why would you like to purchase a house? Do you want to live in a safer neighborhood? Do you want to have more outdoor space for your dog? Are you sick of not being able to decorate the apartment you rent in a way you like? The deeper you go the better! 

Once you have your goal and your why, write them down and make it visible - put it somewhere you will see it several times a day. Physically take pen to paper for this one.  Studies show that there are several benefits to writing down your goals on paper.  It provides focus and clarity, which is essential in our jam-packed lives. The added visual of seeing your goals and more importantly - your whys, will help keep you motivated.

Step 3: Forgive Failures

Failure is a necessary part of life. The more you fail, the closer you are to success.  Remind yourself that it’s okay to get frustrated as long as you keep trying and that just because you haven’t gotten there yet, doesn’t mean you're not making progress. This may be easier said than done, and you might need to forgive those past failures more than once. Take a moment to focus on that emotion and acknowledge it out loud. Remind yourself that mistakes are learning experiences and give yourself permission to process those emotions in time.

Step 4: Break it Down 

It's important to give yourself a program to follow when setting a goal, otherwise it can be easy to procrastinate and lose track of your progress. You’ll want to design a plan to follow with smaller attainable steps and when you want to have these steps accomplished by. This can be a simple list of tasks with a timeline or an intricate spreadsheet. Be realistic about what will work best for you.

Step 5: Reward Yourself

Build a tracking and reward system right into your program. If you are motivated visually, including charts or graphs that you get to cross off once a step is complete is a great visual option

Choosing the right rewards can be tricky. It’s important that your rewards and goals complement each other, rather than work against each other. For example, if your goal is to become healthier, and your first subgoal is to hit 50,000 steps in one week - the reward could be something like new workout clothing or a new piece of equipment.  If the reward isn’t relevant or is counterproductive, it won’t have as much emotional resonance and you will be less likely to associate the action with the reward. The rewards should also be something that you really want, so feel free to get creative!

Now that you’re ready to plan next year’s goals, check out the free downloadable Goal Action Plan worksheet below!