How To Keep Up with your New Year’s Resolutions - NYCM Insurance Blog

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Dec 30, 2021

How To Keep Up with your New Year’s Resolutions

Setting a New Year’s Resolution is a great way to hold yourself accountable throughout the year in an area you want to improve upon. Unfortunately, many people find their resolutions fizzling out as fast as their New Year’s Eve sparkler. Here are some tips we’ve put together to help you keep up with those things you want to accomplish most this year!

Set Intentional, Measurable Resolutions from the Start 

Common resolutions involve wanting to be healthier, thinner, happier, more organized, financially sound, etc. But setting a goal of “I want to get more organized this year” is easier said than done. You need to break it down further. Try, “I will create ways to better organize my kitchen cabinets” or “I want to spend one night each week organizing an area of my home.” Identifying specific items that you know you want to accomplish will help you reach your overall goal by making it more tangible.

Work as a Team

For example, if your ultimate resolution is to get to a goal weight, don’t tackle it alone! Research suggests that losing weight as part of a group has greater success than taking it on alone. Find a few friends who have the same goal that you do and form an alliance! Even better, if your spouse or roommate has the same goal as you do, it's much easier to keep each other accountable. 

Create Reminders for Yourself

There are many opportunities to remind yourself daily about your New Year’s resolution. Write your goal on a mirror where you get ready every day. Stick notes around your house, in your car, or at your desk reminding you of the things you’re after. You can even print inspirational pictures and hang them around as well. Giving yourself constant reminders of your goals can help you stay more committed.

Track Your Progress

All progress warrants a celebration in our opinion! Keep a list of your resolutions and mark off when you complete or reach certain milestones toward them. Finally lose your first five pounds? Mark that down! Clean a closet you’ve been dreading? Check it off! This allows you to see your progress right in front of you, and allows self-gratification during the process, not just when you complete the entire goal.

Plan for Road-Blocks

We all like to think the path will be easy, but, the unimaginable could happen: you might fall off the resolution bandwagon. Blame work, stress, sickness, schedule, life in general. That’s common, and okay -- as long as you get back up. Those stressors will calm down, and at the end of the day you will still be facing the same things you wanted to change in the first place. Try your hardest to stay on track, but if your goals fall by the wayside, don’t let them stay there. Start this list over again and take it step by step. Re-assign your resolutions, find resources to help you, and track your progress along the way.
Starting a new year is a great time to reassess yourself and your current situation. If you’re unhappy with something, change it! You have a fresh start! Follow these tips to get to those goals, and remember, if you find you need to restart, there is no time like the present.