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Apr 7, 2023

Spring Cleaning Your Electronic Device

When spring rolls around, many people are eager to bust out their vacuums and dusters for some spring cleaning. But when you’re doing all the sweeping and scrubbing and tying of loose ends, don’t forget about all the digital devices you use every day that could use some attention too!


As digital technology has become more assimilated into our lives, it’s become more and more important to be a diligent and responsible operator to ensure your devices run quickly and securely. When you’re doing your spring cleaning this year, remember to follow these tips for your electronic devices!


Change Passwords


You have probably heard about the importance of regularly changing the passwords for your devices and online accounts. Ideally you should change your passwords every 90days, but at times it can be easy to forget to do so. It’s a good idea to use your spring cleaning endeavors as another call-to-action to change your passwords.


When creating your passwords, try to integrate upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and symbols into a word to make it more secure. For example, ‘Gr@ssh0pper44!’ would be a more secure password than simply the word ‘grasshopper.’


Avoid using special dates, names of spouses, children, relatives, or pets in your passwords as these are associated with your identity and thus can be easier to hack. Never reuse passwords between accounts and keep your passwords stored in a secure place, like a password bank.


A password bank is an application that stores all your usernames and passwords securely in one place. If you opt for a password bank, you will only have to remember the password for the password bank to access all your login information.


Review and Delete Files


Especially on smartphones with less memory, it can be easy to use up your internal storage space quickly, preventing you from saving files in the future and potentially slowing down your device. When you’re doing your spring cleaning this year, take a few moments to view the storage on your phone and computer to see if you need to delete any files to make room for others.


The storage capacity for most phones and computers can be found by navigating to the settings. Many devices will break down your storage into categories, depicting exactly how much space you have left and what applications are using what memory. Some devices may even have settings to automatically remove or compress applications and files that are accounting for an amount of your storage but aren’t being used.


If you see that one of your applications - for instance your photos or music - is using up a lot of your memory, you can then navigate to that application to delete unnecessary files and free up some space.


If you are having a tough time deciding what to delete and what to keep, you can consider purchasing an external hard drive or additional space on the cloud to give your devices more storage capacity.


Backup Your Devices


When you’re spring cleaning your devices, it’s also an opportunity to back them up. Backing up your device is when you save your files and programs and all your saved data to a destination separate from your device, like the cloud or an external hard drive, to decrease the likelihood they could be lost.


Backing up your devices is important because if something were to happen to them, such as being broken or stolen, you could stand to lose all your files and data if it is saved only on the device. But if you backup your phone and computer to the cloud or an external hard drive and something were to happen to them, you could replace your device and download your backup to regain access to all your saved data.


Make an effort to regularly update your backup file so that you are keeping things up to date. If you neglect to backup your device for a long time and it breaks, you could still download your old backup file but you would lose all of the data that was saved after it was last backed up.


Spring cleaning your devices also means being prepared for a worst-case scenario where they are broken or stolen. By backing up your devices, you can rest assured that your files can be readily accessed even in a worst-case scenario.