As we are nearing the end
of this year and looking forward into the next, we can all admit that 2020 was
not as expected. Nevertheless, most of Team NYCM has settled into working from
home and the changes this year has brought with it.
Throughout the course of
Q4, we took a deep dive into what it meant to celebrate while social distancing and got creative when it came
to giving back to our
communities in a time
of great need.
Read on for an inside look
at the last three months of 2020 at NYCM.
A group of our awesome NYCM
essential workers brought Halloween to life this October with
a festive drive-through event! Employees were invited to drive their families
through the trick-or-treating line at our Edmeston
office, bringing smiles to everyone this season!
Each October we begin a new
round of our corporate wellness program, known as Passport to
Wellness. NYCM strives to incorporate all aspects of wellness into everyday
life to promote and sustain engagement in everything that we do.
Employees are encouraged to
earn stamps toward an end-of-year reward by participating in Passport to
Wellness activities and quarterly challenges. Incentives are based on the
number of stamps earned throughout the year. Stamps can be earned in categories
such as fitness, nutrition, education, social, and self-care. Employees
company-wide are welcome to join and earn rewards!
NYCM promoted Fire Prevention Week virtually this year,
offering tips and fire prevention facts to aid in avoiding disaster in your
home. We created useful graphics, like the image you see above, that are easy
to share with friends and family.
NYCM is proud to support
over 600 causes annually, in addition to the dollars raised by employees who
are passionate about matters close to their hearts.
NYCM employees are given 16
hours of paid time off to use throughout the year towards volunteer
opportunities that mean the most to them. Despite COVID, 594 hours of volunteer
work were completed this year by NYCM employees!
Due to the circumstances
surrounding 2020, many organizations were forced to gather online this
year. Nevertheless, we were excited for the opportunity to continue to
support a variety of causes such as The American Cancer Society’s
2020 Making Strides Against
Breast Cancer Event
and the American Heart Association’s Cycle Nation 2020 event. We are also
proud supporters of “The Pit Run”, which is held in memory of
the late Ricky J. “Pit” Parisian, and the Sitrin Health Care
Center’s 9th Annual Stars & Stripes Run-Walk for our Nation’s
Every year
on November 11th, veterans
are recognized for their selfless service and dedication to our
country. Click
here to read about some of our amazing service men and
women who, after serving our nation, continue to dedicate their time to helping
people in other ways at NYCM Insurance.
In the spirit of giving
back, NYCM decided to once again partner with Mitscoots Outfitters! NYCM employees were gifted
with a voucher to be used at, who in turn match each
purchase with an item of equal quality to go to someone in need!
Mitscoots Outfitters makes
100% American sourced and manufactured gear and are dedicated to providing
items of clothing to those in need and jobs for those who have been displaced.
As 2020 comes to a close,
we pause in gratitude for our customers, employees, agents, and friends of NYCM
Insurance. We’re fortunate to be able to stay connected with one another during
this time of uncertainty and end the year looking forward to the next.
For a look at how NYCM employees coordinated giveback efforts this holiday
season, follow the link below!
Dec 28, 2020

Employee Engagement
Employee Giveback
Q4: Celebrating the Holidays and Giving Back at NYCM Insurance
Q4: Celebrating the Holidays and Giving Back at NYCM Insurance
# Employee Engagement
# Employee Giveback
# Employees
# Giveback
# Roundup
# Stories
# Team NYCM
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